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Whisky Glassware – how important is using the right whisky glass?

There are many different styles of whisky glassware on the market, gone are the days of the exquisite crystal tumbler being the only vessel of choice, which still has its place, but what’s the difference in glasses and why does it matter? At the House of Malt, we want to help our customers enjoy their favourite tipple, the way they like it. We all have a favourite way of taking our whisky. Here’s how to get the best from your whisky glass according to your preferred drinking style:

The Nosing Glass: This is one of the smaller styles of whisky glass. Its unique ‘tulip’ shape is designed with aroma in mind. The glass allows the air to circulate around the whisky, directing the aromas to meet your olfactory senses with an eloquent burst of fragrant notes and characteristics (that’s the bit when you stick your nose in and sniff!). Or maybe you are a wafter? This is the art of wafting air across the top of the glass to gather the aromas, rather than nosing. We would recommend this style of glass for a sophisticated and straight-up single malt whisky such as Glenfarclas. Our very own House of Malt Glencarin Glass is an excellent choice.    

The Heavy Tumbler: We told you they had their place, and it is right here for those who love to have their whisky ‘on the rocks’ or with a touch of water to open the flavour. The wider tumbler allows space for ice. You may have seen the trend to use extra large ice-cubes, this allows a larger surface area for chilling the whisky but a more solid form that will defrost more slowly than standard ice cubes: maximum chilling, minimum dilution. Norlan has developed a super RAUK Heavy Tumbler, which is the ultimate blend of advanced digital design and inventive product technique. Not only is this glass suitable for chilled whisky, but it also has extruded chevrons radiating from the centre, which serve to provide friction points for gripping ingredients used in muddled drinks. How about trying an old fashioned or a whisky sour. 

The Highball Glass: If you like your whisky in a cocktail, then this is the glass for you. The tall glass allows space for plenty of ice and your favourite mixers to make a long refreshing whisky cocktail. Swizzle stick and umbrella are at your own discretion! Why not try Aberfeldy 12 in a delicious whisky highball.

It really is that simple, decide if you’re a straight up, chilled, or cocktail drinker and pick your favourite design from our broad range of whisky glassware. Why not tag us on social media with your favourite glass?